2019 FDNY Scholarships
FROM THE FDNY: On Monday, January 14, the New York State Honorary Fire Chiefs Association presented the annual scholarship awards at FDNY headquarters in Brooklyn. Fifteen FDNY members received a scholarship of $3,000 each towards continuing their education. FDNY thanks NYSHFCA for making an investment in the future of the Department. Firefighter Joseph Soto of Engine 38 is one of this years’ scholarship recipients. “I am very thankful and honored for this opportunity. It helps me out a lot. I’ve been in this Department for five years and it has motivated me to become a better person. It uplifts you. I love being a Firefighter. Every time I go home after a tour, I know I’ve made a difference in someone’s life. I am excited to be able to start using this scholarship.”
FDNY Medal Day Book
Here is the complete FDNY Medal Day 2023 Book
NYSHFCA Medal on Page 15
Medal Day Book 2023
FDNY Medal Day Book
Here is the complete FDNY Medal Day 2018 Book
NYSHFCA Medal on Page 13