2021 NYS Honorary Fire Chiefs Association Medal

FDNY Firefighter Abraham G. Miller
Ladder Company 23
September 29, 2020, 0431 hours, Box 22-1675 Manhattan
Appointed to the FDNY May 28, 2015. Brother Firefighter Mike Miller is assigned to Ladder 28. Member of the
Vulcan Society. Resides in Buchanan, New York, with his wife, Roxann, and their son, Elijah.
On September 29, 2020, at 0431 hours,
Ladder Company 23 responded to a reported fire at a six-story, non-fireproof multiple dwelling. Upon arrival, members saw heavy fire out of two fifthfloor windows at the front of the building.
The fire was venting onto the front fire escape completely cutting off the secondary means of egress for the occupants. Firefighter Abraham G. Miller, assigned the roof position in Ladder 23, made a quick size-up and decided he should use the adjoining building to get to the roof of the fire building.
Upon reaching the roof, FF Miller began his perimeter check and immediately heard screams. Through the smoke in an open shaft on the side of the building, he saw a child being held out the top-floor bathroom window. FF Miller—working in conjunction with Ladder Company 34’s roof firefighter, Jairo Sosa—reported to Battalion 16 that they were commencing a roof rope rescue. Knowing the fire had engulfed the front fire escape and seeing the smoke pushing under pressure from the fully ventilated bulkhead, FF Miller reasoned that a rope rescue was the only option
and there was no time to spare. While tying into his personal harness, FF Miller maintained contact with the frightened occupants by yelling down to them that help was on the way. He mounted
the parapet, and FF Sosa began lowering him without the benefit of a substantial object to which to anchor. At this time, FF William Gustavson, Ladder 23 chauffeur, arrived and assisted with the operation by pushing down on the rope to create more friction for a safer descent.
Arriving at the window above the occupants, FF Miller was met with heavy smoke, a window child gate and an intact glass window. Calmly, he took the glass on the upper sash of the window and pulled the young child up through it. Once he had a firm grip on the child, he transmitted a clear message via radio to the Incident Commander that he had secured the victim. FF Sosa then lowered FF Miller and the child six floors to the base of the shaft.
FF Miller’s actions at this second alarm were quick, decisive and courageous. Overcoming numerous challenges, he relied on his training and knowledge of the equipment to safely complete the rescue under extreme conditions.
In doing so, FF Miller upheld the very finest tradition of our great Department. For his valor, he is presented with the Chief of Department Peter J. Ganci, Jr. Medal and NYS Honorary Fire Chiefs Association Medal —JG