10 Firefighters Win NYS Honorary Fire Chiefs Association Scholarships

Ten firefighters will start 2012 off right as they received New York State Honorary Fire Chiefs Association (NYSHFCA) scholarships on Dec. 27.

“The NYSHFCA is so important, and unique in that they do not just look to honor our past and our fallen firefighters, they honor our current members and they support the future of this department through these scholarships,” Fire Commissioner Salvatore Cassano said.

The NYSHFCA has presented $2,500 scholarships to FDNY members for five years. The recipients are chosen after a difficult selection process, which includes essays describing the degree sought and the way the education will be used to benefit the FDNY.

This year’s scholarship winners included: Capt. William Carroll, Engine 47; Capt. Sean Michael, Engine 325; Lt. Robert Battaglia, Engine 225; FF Recordo Demetrius, Engine 304; FF Daniel Golden, Ladder 24; FF Christopher Horgan, Ladder 34; FF Charles Jankowski, Engine 84; FF Peter Killian, Engine 35; FF Gregory Manning, Squad 41; and FF Sean Schneider, Engine 247.

“[The members of NYSHFCA] are making an investment in our firefighters, and our firefighters are making an investment in the Department,” Chief of Department Edward Kilduff said.

Attending the ceremony were Michael Hill, President of NYSHFCA; David Gold, Vice President and Chairman of the scholarship program; and Howard Borkan, Chairman of the Board of Directors.

“These scholarships are possible because we are committed to what we do,” Mr. Hill said.

Mr. Gold added, “We always seek out opportunities to make a difference in firefighters lives.”

Established in 1950, the NYSHFCA is a non-profit organization that supports firefighters and their families in New York City and throughout the state. The group awards several scholarships to children of firefighters annually and sponsors the New York State Honorary Fire Chiefs Medal and the Shelly Rothman Medal, which are awarded each year on FDNY Medal Day.