Presentation of the NYSHFCA Scholarships 2018
The NYSHFCA Scholarships were presented to this years recipients https://www.flickr.com/…/72157691023402301/with/39016099745/
NYSHFCA President Michael Hill second from left

FDNY Medal Day 2018
FDNY Medal Day

2017 23rd Street Fire Memorial
On Tuesday, October 17, Commission Nigro, Chief Leonard, Glenn Zagoren (VP NYSHFCA) FDNY members, family and friends gathered for a wreath-laying ceremony at 23rd Street between Broadway and Madison Ave, commemorating the 51st anniversary of the day that has come to be known within the Department as the “23rd Street Fire.” 12 Firefighters made the Supreme Sacrifice, at what was at the time, the deadliest fire in Department history

NYSHFCA Ad in UFA Centennial Journal
Here is the ad that the NYSHFCA ran in the 100th Anniversary UFA Journal.
(Click on image to enlarge.)
The Bravest and the Smartest. Sums up the NYSHFCA mission.
Thank you NYSHFCA VP Glenn Zagoren (www.zagoren.com) for the ad design and production.

NYSHFCA attends UFA Centennial Gala
NYSHFCA President Michael Hill and Vice President Glenn Zagoren were invited guests at the UFA Centennial Gala. Congratulations to the UFA and the FDNY.
Medal Day 2014
NYS Honorary FIre Chiefs Association
James Gordon Bennett Medal

New York State Honorary Fire Chiefs Association Presents 2016 Annual Scholarship Awards to FDNY members
December 28, 2016
On Wednesday, December 28th, 2016, the New York State Honorary Fire Chiefs Association (NYSHFCA) presented the annual scholarship awards at FDNY headquarters.
15 FDNY members received a scholarship of $3,000 towards continuing their education.

2013 New York State Honorary Fire Chiefs Assoc Medal Winner
NYSHFCA President Michael Hill, Commissioner Sal Cassano, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Medal Recipient Lt Thomas G Woods L-54, Chief of Department Edward Kilduff, and NYSHFCA 1st VP David Gold.
Read the full article

Mayor Bloomberg, Commissioner Scoppetta, FDNY Chief Cassano present the 2009 New York state Honorary Fire Chiefs Association medal
(L to R) NYSHFCA Vice President and General Counsel David Gold, President of NYSHFCA Michael Hill, Fire Commissioner Nicholas Scoppetta, NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, FF Anthony Romano, FDNY Chief of Department Salvatore Cassano. (Photo by Butch Moran)

Board Meeting-January DATE TO BE DETERMINED
UFA Headquarters – 23rd Street – 6:00pm