2017 23rd Street Fire Memorial

On Tuesday, October 17, Commission Nigro, Chief Leonard, Glenn Zagoren (VP NYSHFCA) FDNY members, family and friends gathered for a wreath-laying ceremony at 23rd Street between Broadway and Madison Ave, commemorating the 51st anniversary of the day that has come to be known within the Department as the “23rd Street Fire.” 12 Firefighters made the Supreme Sacrifice, at what was at the time, the deadliest fire in Department history
— Deputy Chief Thomas A. Reilly, Division 3; Battalion Chief Walter J. Higgins, Battalion 7; Lt. John J. Finley, Ladder 7; Lt. Joseph Priore, Engine 18; Firefighter John G. Berry, Ladder 7; Firefighter James V. Galanaugh, Engine 18; Firefighter Rudolph F. Kaminsky, Ladder 7; Firefighter Joseph Kelly, Engine 18; Firefighter Carl Lee, Ladder 7; Firefighter William F. McCarron, Division 3; Firefighter Daniel L. Rey, Engine 18; Firefighter Bernard A. Tepper, Engine 18.
The New York State Honorary Fire Chiefs Assoc. has been maintaining this memorial for over 45 years.